If anyone had told me Verona would become my favourite Italian city last month, I would have been incredulous. Most people only think of Romeo and Juliet when Verona is mentioned (as did I) but it is so much more than that.
Walking around Verona was like taking a step back in time. Its myriad of architectural styles is so well-preserved that the entire city has been designated as a UNESCO world heritage site.
Free from the crazy hoards of tourists which tend to plague the larger Italian cities, with helpful signs placed throughout the city, exploring Verona was very pleasant and easy. It wasn’t empty, far from it, but it had just the right level of bustle without the hustle. We saw a lot of groups of adorable Italian school children and teens touring Verona, learning their history, just as we were.

Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s House)
Piazza delle Erbe
This piazza was so lovely. Could easily imagine how it was like in the past.
After a while in Europe, one tends to get “church fatigue”. However, the Verona churches were unlike those we have seen before. Instead of elaborate gothic flourishes, simple rough-hewn bricks and stripes dominated their facades.
Verona Cathedral (Duomo)
Basilica di Sant’Anastasia
I love the pale blue, pink and white striped marble archway.
Santa Maria Antica (For the Scaliger Tombs)
Castello San Pietro
The castle itself was closed but the view from the top was well worth the short climb!

Can’t go to Italy and not in indulge in their pasta and ham.
That goes for gelato and coffee as well.
Verona By Night

Sole Hotel
The simple Sole hotel was our pick for our one-night stay in Verona. It is right by the main train station. In fact, you get to hotel via a small side lane from platform 1, which made it very convenient for catching our onward train to Milan.
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