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Food at Nellim Wilderness Hotel

A short recap of the food at Nellim Wilderness Hotel as everyone dines in. Breakfast and dinner are included in the accommodation rate.

Dinner menus:

The menus were relatively standard. Every day, there was salad, one soup, two main courses and one dessert. Buffet spread layout:

The quality of the food, in general, was good. Reindeer shanks was the highlight as we never had reindeer before. It was so tender and despite having a scent reminiscent of lamb in the first bite, it disappeared after a few seconds. I don’t eat lamb but I liked the reindeer.

The variety was limited though. By our 4th and final dinner, there were already repeated items on the menu. I’m so glad we brought a ton of instant noodles (our lunch most days).

Breakfast, on the other hand, I loved. Although the spread was the same every day, I didn’t get sick of it. Being able to make our own waffles was a huge plus!

The view was the cherry-topper. Watching snow fall gently to the ground as we munched on our breakfast always made us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Christmas here must be stupendous.

Waffles and Hot Chocolate


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